
mother falcon!

remember? mother falcon members will make up the new Apple Miner Colony in Austin, TX.

they're in the running (CLOSE running) to play at austin city limits.

they neeeeeeed people to sign up for an account to vote for them to play

you won't get spammed if you ask them not to spam you.

you probably wouldn't anyway... come on...
sign up for an account and vote EVERYDAY for them!

you'll be helping out friends of and future members of apple miner.

vote here:



long time no post

hello everyone, we're all still alive!

i am back in salt lake city, currently not paying attention in class.

i just wanted to let you know that very soon tristan and james will be getting some clips as a preview to the documentary up on the website. i'm very excited as you all should be!

a few things are happening in the amc world as well as my own, and i'll be getting back to writing about it all very soon.